Be A LifeSaver!
Donate to JSF to help us increase our mission of spreading awareness and to support local students through scholarships.
Je'Sani Memorial Scholarship @ Del Mar College
The Je’Sani Memorial Scholarship will help students in the welding, art, and music programs at Del Mar College.
Je'Sani Water Scholarship @ King High School
2021 Je'Sani Water Scholarship - Daniella Cole
College-bound King seniors have the chance to earn a $1,200 scholarship by writing an essay on how they would educate others about water safety and rip currents.
Je'Sani Water Scholarship @ King High School
2020 Je'Sani Water Scholarship - Angelina Tapia
College-bound King seniors have the chance to earn a $1,200 scholarship by writing an essay on how they would educate others about water safety and rip currents.
Our donors are crucial to our ongoing operations and we could not do this without them! We are always looking for sponosors for some of our biggest fundraising events, including the annual ‘Surviving the Rip 5K’. We accept immediate donations through the methods below and our donation page, or contact us for our Sponsorship Packages.
Without the commitment of the partners and sponsors below, our mission would not be possible. Thank you to all that have been involved so far and continue to support the Je'Sani Smith Foundation.